
Multi-purpose classroom rental form


Applicants will receive remittance details as soon as the application is approved. Applicants must complete the payment at least 3 days before the event date.

  • 校內單位: 校內單位以校內計畫支付租借費用者(即以學校統編69115908) 可預開收據做內部沖轉, 由本系提供預開收據及進帳通知單, 租借者持收據及進帳通知單做請購,完成租借程序。
    NCKU units: Rent paid by school plans (paid with NCKU GUI number 69115908) can be paid through the provision of a pre-issued receipt. The Industrial Design Department will provide a pre-issued receipt and the account entry notice. To complete the rental procedure, tenants should complete the purchase requisition by holding the receipt and the account entry notice.
  • 校外單位: 校外單位需匯款至國立成功大學的407專戶(須臨櫃繳款) ,以國稅局的稅款憑證做收據。
    Non-NCKU units: Non-NCKU units should remit the payment to the National Cheng Kung University 407 account (must be paid through the banking counter). The national taxation bureau's tax voucher will be seen as the receipt.
    ※校內單位若非以學校經費支付(如系學會,以自籌款支付...等等) 則比照校外單位匯款方式辦理。
    School units NOT supported by the university funds (ex: student associations,self-funding units) should follow the regulation for Non-NCKU units.


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