5259 5260 multi-purpose classroom application guide
- 租借單位應負責維護場所清潔。海報旗幟未經國立成功大學規劃與設計學院同意,不得擅意張貼、裝置及插掛。借用單位事後應即時撤離並恢復空間清潔原貌。嚴重汙損空間者,需賠償清潔費用;置留空間之物品在活動結束後2小時內仍未搬離者,以廢棄物處理之。
The applicant must properly keep the space tidy and clean. It is prohibited to stick or hang any posters in the classroom without permission from the College of Planning and Design. The applicant must take away all belongings and restore the classroom after events. If there is any damage, the applicant is liable for compensation. Belongings left in the classroom more than 2 hours after the event time will be disposed of.
- 本空間以優先提供校內單位使用為原則,並得開放校外單位借用,收費標準如下。Reservation priority is given to NCKU school units. The classroom is available for non-NCKU users. See the fee table below.
5259 5260 合併租借(9折) rent both classrooms 費用 fee 6000 9000 13500 系友費用fee for alumni 4800 7200 10800 押金 deposit 5000 5000 5000 容納人數 capacity 80人 (people) 120人(people) 200人(people) - 收費標準以 4 小時為一個時段:08:00-12:00;13:00-17:00; 18:00-22:00。
Rents are charged by 08:00-12:00; 13:00-17:00; 18:00-22:00. - 例假日及晚上使用者,另支付管理人員加班費,白天 1000 元,晚上 1500 元;管理人員費不打折。
If the applicants’ event is on weekend or at night, an extra fee will be charged: NT$1,000 fee for daytime and NT$1,500 for nighttime - 租借單位應於活動舉辦日前 3 日完成費用繳交。
Applicants must pay 3 days before the event date. - 校內單位 (含規劃與設計學院) 以八折計。
NCKU faculty units (including the College of Planning and Design) are given a 20% fee discount. - 本校一級行政單位舉辦之學術性或重要集會活動,若為特殊個案,則專案簽請本校校長核可後酌予優待。
For academic events held by Level-1 administrative units of NCKU, tenants can be given a discount after reporting to the President for approval.
- 收費標準以 4 小時為一個時段:08:00-12:00;13:00-17:00; 18:00-22:00。
- 租借單位對各項設備器材,應善加愛護妥為使用,並請注意用電安全。使用視聽器材應洽管理人員,不得擅自引接電源。若有人為或不當使用以致損壞,應負責賠償責任。租用單位應負責維護場所秩序,避免喧嘩吵雜。
Applicants must properly maintain the classroom equipment. Safe use of electrical appliances is important. Applicants should contact the management staff before using audiovisual equipment. The user is liable for compensation for any damage from improper usage. Applicants should keep the volume low while using the classroom. - 借用單位使用本系空間時,禁止使用中國廠牌資通訊產品(含軟體、硬體及服務)。
When borrowing units use the facilities of this department, the use of Chinese-brand information and communication products (including software, hardware, and services) is prohibited. - 各單位借用空間應填寫申請表,應於兩個月內至一周前向本系提出申請,經審核同意後方可登記使用。使用空間時,應依原申請使用目的使用,以維信用。
Applicants must fill out and apply at most 2 months to at least one week before the event date. Applicants can only process the event after the application is approved. It is prohibited to use the classroom for purposes other than intended. - 申請人因故不能於核准之時間使用空間者,應於原核准使用日前三天通知管理人員撤回申請,或申請變更使用時間或空間。前項情形,經核准撤回申請者,已繳納之費用扣除手續費後無息退還;經核准變更使用時間或場空間者,已繳納之費用數額於變更後有增減者,管理人員應通知申請人補繳,但不退還差額。
Applicants who intend to cancel the approved application or make a rearrangement shall inform the management staff three days before the use date. Applicants can get a refund for cancellation, the handling fee will be deducted from the refund. Applicants should pay the difference when the new reservation fee is higher for approved rearrangement. The overpaid price difference will not be refunded. - 申請人未於管理人員核准之時間使用空間者,除前條規定外,已繳納之費用不予退還。但因不可抗力之事由致不能使用者,經規劃與設計學院院長批准,已繳納之費用扣除手續費後無息退還。
Applicants could not get a refund if they did not use the classroom as reserved. With the approval of the chair of the College of Planning and Design, applicants can get a refund deducting the handling fee. - 請先查詢可租借時間:大成館5259/5260多功能創意教學空間租借行事曆
Please check the rental calendar of 5259/5260 multi-purpose classrooms for an available time before making a reservation.